MONSTER DASH was superb this year ! It was too awesome because,i do not know how to say !! you have to join next year if you miss this year. It's like living in the wild ! we do not need to run for life to grab medals but it's for the charity. It started around 7.00pm and there were 6,000 PEOPLE running ! KUCHING PEOPLE ! YOU ARE AWESOME !. We rule the night. We ran with so many types of shoes colours. Nike air max with lots of err colouring ? i do not know how to explain. You can see a lot of people dressing so like "HALLOWEEN" costumes running here and screaming here and there. You will definitely get wet. NO ONE ESCAPES THAT.
Too much people hmmm. hehehe
This is my friend's mother ! She's really loving... hehehe and you can see who the hack is photo-booming at the back of the our photo
Awesome DJ'S are all there !
having a short capture with the pro DJ AT NIGHT! She had a nice and good accent of english!
groupie PHOTO with my dearies ! miss them of course !
It's just a 5 km run . even though it's no long, it is still a memorable event for you to join and go ! i see lots of teenagers even aging people went there !!! too awesome !:) Run for the Charity.
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